GDPR Compliance and Its Impact on Security and Data Protection Programs

Data classification is an important privacy enhancing technology as it helps organisations prevent against data breaches and demonstrate compliance. Conducted by Osterman Research and sponsored by Janusnet, this white paper analyses end user organisations and their preparedness for the implementation of GDPR. It also highlights the key factors that risk managers and IT security teams should be considering to comply with the GDPR.


Protecting personal data has been an important issue in the European Union (EU) for more than 20 years, and the recently ratified General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes data protection to an entirely new level. In addition to a new set of legal requirements that necessitate both organizational and technological responses, the GDPR is applicable to almost every organization around the world that collects or processes data on residents domiciled within the EU, including permanent residents, visitors and expatriates. Compliance is thus predicated on the geographical location of the individuals about whom an organization holds personal data, not the domicile of registration for the organization.


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